Energy Assistance volunteers brought their expertise to the local population in a rural area of the Woreda (district) of Mirab Abaya, more than 100 km from the national power grid.

The project ?To take advantage of the excellent solar radiation available all year round in the region, to provide electricity to two high schools using solar photovoltaic technology. In total, 11 buildings and 34 classrooms have benefited from clean and sustainable electricity since the beginning of the year. This programme enabled the 800 schoolchildren who benefited from it to return to the national education programme thanks to computers and video recorders that were also powered by solar panels.

These two projects, partly funded by the ENGIE Foundation, were carried out in collaboration with Arba Minch University, which helped to transport Arba Minch’s equipment to the sites and provided a technician to assist with installation and ensure the project’s sustainability over time.

An association of ENGIE Group employees

Created in Belgium by active and retired ENGIE employees, Energy Assistance brings together volunteers from the Group’s energy business sectors and power grid distributors. Target To use the skills and expertise of its members, supported by ENGIE’s technical resources, to assist humanitarian projects aimed at populations that do not have access to essential energy services, on all continents.

They offer their expertise for:
decentralised energy production to supply clinics, schools, orphanages with renewable energy;
– the construction and connection of mini grids to supply electricity to remote communities ;
– the rehabilitation of electrical facilities.

Energy Assistance projects mostly use photovoltaic solar energy, but experts also use hydropower or wind power when conditions and geography make it possible. The association is committed to a long-term partnership with local beneficiaries in order to ensure the sustainability of its achievements (training).

Project description
The website of Energy Assistance asbl