Restoring confidence and hope to the most vulnerable children is the vocation of the ENGIE Foundation. Giving them access to culture, education, and healthcare, and reintegrating them through sport: that is what it has been fighting for 30 years.

Giving the most vulnerable children the energy to learn and grow
Since its creation, the Foundation has made the integration of the most vulnerable children one of its top priorities. It supports associations not only with financial aid, but also by providing skills and support, and by seeking out other partners capable of strengthening projects.
Access to science, particularly for young girls, is one of the priorities of the ENGIE Foundation’s actions in favor of education. The aim is to encourage students’ interest in science, boost the academic ambitions of young people from a wide range of socio-territorial backgrounds, and limit self-censorship. Through this program, they discover the keys to growing up, develop their desire to learn and understand that they can take part in the world’s challenges.
The ENGIE Foundation’s initiatives are highly varied. They all have one thing in common: creating social ties and giving children the energy to grow.
Long-standing partners and emblematic projects
La Fondation ENGIE accompagne les associations en tissant des partenariats sur le long terme pour faire fructifier les projets dans la durée. C’est par exemple le cas avec l’ENS SACLAY, Cap Sciences, l’Unesco, la Fondation C Génial, le Samu Social de Paris, l’Opéra de Paris, le Mucem, Nous On Créé, Fête le Mur, Gol de Letra, la Fondation Royaumont ou encore La Chaîne de l’espoir.
The ENGIE Foundation supports associations by forging long-term partnerships to ensure that projects bear fruit over the long term. Examples include ENS SACLAY, Cap Sciences, Unesco, Fondation C Génial, Samu Social de Paris, Opéra de Paris, Mucem, Nous On Créé, Fête le Mur, Gol de Letra, Fondation Royaumont and La Chaîne de l’espoir.
Integration for children and young people in Belgium
Every year, the ENGIE Foundation allocates 500,000 euros to Belgian associations that aim to integrate children and young people through education, sport and culture, as well as supporting projects to preserve biodiversity.
Active in Belgium since 2013:
- 101 associations have already been helped
- Positive impact for over 95,000 children