Project identity card

  • COUNTRY: France
  • DATE: 2022-2025
  • FOR PEOPLE: protecting biodiversity

2,796 communes involved in an ABC

1cm² of Posidonia meadow releases 14L of oxygen per day

The project

The OFB is a public body dedicated to the protection and restoration of biodiversity in France and its overseas territories. It works to design, implement and enforce public policies in its field by mobilizing a range of players, decision-makers and citizens around biodiversity: the State, local authorities, associations, businesses, scientists, farmers, fishermen, hunters, nature sports enthusiasts, etc.

The ENGIE Foundation supports two local biodiversity programs:

  • The Atlas of Communal Biodiversity (ABC de la biodiversité). This is an approach that enables a commune, or an “inter-communal structure”, to identify, preserve and enhance its natural heritage. It’s an inventory of the environments and species present in each territory. It involves all the players in a commune (elected representatives, citizens, associations, companies….) in preserving the natural heritage. This inventory enables us to map the biodiversity challenges facing the area.
  • Protecting the Posidonia meadow in the Mediterranean. Posidonia (Posidonia oceanica) is a marine plant whose natural range lies in the Mediterranean Sea. Its habitat supports exceptional biodiversity and high productivity.

The role of the ENGIE Foundation

The ENGIE Foundation supports the national “Trophées des Atlas de la biodiversité communale” (ABC) competition organized by the OFB. In 2023, 4 local authorities presented their ABC in one or more of the three categories: Know; Mobilize; Act and Plan. 5 winning communities were rewarded.

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